Home Page Feature $500/mo

Placement on our home page in front of over 8k users per month.

Category Feature $300/mo

Always shown at the top of your desired category. Connect with users who are actively looking for your type of business.

Instagram Basics - $400/mo

We post 3+ stories highlighting your business. This format hits our most loyal followers with strong engagement.

The 'Gram Slam - $900/mo

We visit your business to create content once per month. We post an Instagram reel and multiple stories highlighting your business. You will also be added to the Our Top Picks web page with a short description and link back to Instagram.

*3 month minimum

Web App Video Card - $200

Boost organic website clicks by turning your static profile into a video card. We will also make any other desired changes to your profile.

UGC Content - $300 

We spend a session creating content for your business to post on your social medias. We know what works for the Instagram Reel algorithm and create content to optimize your chance for going viral.

*This does not include any posts on our social media accounts

Newsletter Feature - $150

Get in front of over 500 dedicated email subscribers with a personalized message. You create the content pending our approval.


We've done the impossible, growing from 0 to 18k+ organic followers in only a few months. We spend our time learning how to grow on Instagram and create content that has potential to go viral.

We have limited spots and are selective with who we choose to work with. You must be willing to put in effort and implement our strategies to be successful.

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